Our Base

Deep Water Sportfishing operates from the prestigious Tamarind Village just off Mombasa Island, North Coast and overlooks the picturesque Mombasa Old Town. It is ideally situated for keen fishermen residing in one of many hotels positioned along the Mombasa north coastline or at Tamarind Village in their luxurious apartments.
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Boat and Crew

ELIGIO BATTAIA, with over 40 years experience of Deep Sea Fishing on the Kenyan Coast welcomes you on board his Fishing Boat “INCA”.
This popular 33-foot Custom-built Rybovich Sportfisher with twin 140H.P. Diesel Engines is equipped with first class tackle, incl. Penn International and Shimano Reels, Downrigger, Fishfinder, VHF-radio, GPS chart plotter and all other necessary amenities for a successful Fishing Safari.
All conveniences are provided, including marine toilet.
“INCA” is fully licenced with all necessary safety equipment, as laid down by Kenya Maritime Authority. This complies with International Standards. We have all relevant licences as Seaworthiness Certificate, Sport Fisherman’s Licence, as well as Marine Insurance.
Our crew have been with us for many years are very experienced and well liked among our clients. They speak English and work hard to ensure you enjoy your fishing trip.